Family Dinner

4 March, TBD, Silver Spring, Maryland

About The Event

About The Event

The Siltie Community hosts a dinner for its members every year. Along with having fun, this event gives families and kids a chance to unwind and get to know one another. Before they run out, kindly purchase the ticket as soon as you can. We will offer some tickets for sale to other non-members after all of our members have received their tickets.


TBD - Silver Spring, Maryland


March 4, 2023

Event Schedule

Here is Family Dinner schedule

Please check out all of our detailed program information. This information can be found on your ticket. If you have any questions, please contact the event coordinators.


Hall Open and start check in

Brenden Legros

Keynote Siltie Board speech

Committee presentation

Hubert Hirthe


Greetings to all gusetes.

Cole Emmerich

Set up Ready

make Ready things.

Brenden Legros

Libero corrupti explicabo itaque. Brenden Legros

Facere provident incidunt quos voluptas.

Hubert Hirthe

Et voluptatem iusto dicta nobis. Hubert Hirthe

Maiores dignissimos neque qui cum accusantium ut sit sint inventore.

Cole Emmerich

Explicabo et rerum quis et ut ea. Cole Emmerich

Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.

Hubert Hirthe

Optional Entertainment

The program will officially end at this point, but it is optional, and members can remain involved without restriction..

Cole Emmerich

End and leave the Room Close the hall

Veniam accusantium laborum nihil eos eaque accusantium aspernatur.

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

Siltie Community Center, Silver Spring Maryland

Siltie Community (SC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to strengthen the social and economic well-being of the Siltie community in the Washington Metropolitan Area.